New School Hooper¡¯s Club is for 9th to 12th grade boy¡¯s basketball students. Our goals are to teach the game of basketball from A to Z, improve the knowledge and skills of each student, get all students to see the importance of putting Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ first in their lives, and make sure each student stays true to their goals and dreams. New School Hooper¡¯s Club will only play in the top basketball tournaments when our students are ready. We use the word of GOD, practices, scrimmages, skill development and clinics to help our students get ready for the top tournaments as well as college life.
April to May
2 hour skill development and team practice Monday¡¯s 6:30pm to 8:30pm; Tuesday¡¯s 6pm to 8pm; Thursday¡¯s 6pm to 8pm
OSNS Basketball Clinics (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)
Tournaments (TBA) (we take 8 - 10 players to tournaments)
June to August
Practice Monday & Tuesday 6pm to 8pm; Wednesday bible study 7pm to 8pm; Thursday practice 6pm to 8pm
Full Court Practice Tuesday (TBA)
OSNS Basketball Clinics (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)
Tournaments (TBA) (we take 8 - 10 players to tournaments)
September to March
2 hour skill development practice Monday¡¯s 6:30pm to 8:30pm and Thursday¡¯s 6pm to 8pm
OSNS Clinics (2nd and 4th Saturday of month)
There are no promises that you will make the tournament teams but we promise the doors will be open for all to learn the word of GOD, improve their skills and knowledge in the game of basketball. It is a $100 non-refundable registering fee and $50 monthly fee to be a part of the club. There will be onetime expenses as well as tournament cost fees for students making the tournament teams.