All Students are encouraged to attend academic tutoring on any subject—free of charge. Wednesday Night Tutoring is staffed by caring adults who want to give these students the opportunity to achieve academic success and avoid the pitfalls associated with growing up in difficult times. The staff at Old School - New School works at building mentoring relationships with the students to guide them in setting goals in all aspects of life.
Needs for the OSNS Tutoring Program:
Tutoring is offered every Wednesday evening from 6 – 9 p.m. and averages between 5 and 15 kids per session. OSNS wants to expand this program to Saturday's from 9 am to 12 pm. We are in need of school supplies, laptop computers, wireless network printer, printer paper and school supplies. If you can help in any way please contact Vida Drake at 214-632-3131.
Thank you and God Bless!